R&D in life sciences

R&D in life sciences

The science and medicine sector is growing exponentially as we search for innovative solutions to new diseases and illnesses. R&D is a hot topic in this space!

Who qualifies for R&D in life sciences?

Your company could operate within any area of life sciences, although consideration of contractual arrangements will be key to establishing your eligibility and which scheme can apply for R&D tax credits.

Find out more about R&D tax relief and its value to companies operating within all sub-components of the life science industry here.

What types of life science projects may qualify for R&D tax credits?What types of life science projects may qualify for R&D tax credits?What types of life science projects may qualify for R&D tax credits?

Innovations in medical devices have equally transformative outcomes for mankind.

What types of life science projects may qualify for R&D tax credits?

Drug discovery

Running candidate compound screening, characterisation processes, DMPK research and onward collaboration to assess efficacy, toxicity and pharmacokinetic information.

Medical research

Seeking out new medicines, medical procedures, medical devices or improvements to those that exist.

Ancillary developments

From carrier products (creams, liquids, lotions, sprays) to packaging components, sterilisation efficacy & stability preservation.

Development life cycles

The creation of bespoke software capabilities or resolving problems with system uncertainty to manage, control and process all aspects of drug development.

What types of life science projects may qualify for R&D tax credits?

What will an R&D team for life sciences look like?

Scientists and technicians specialising in your discipline. Bespoke IT commissions could feature to support the clinical trials process, which may involve qualifying development work in software.

What might qualifying projects for R&D in life sciences involve?

  • Experimental testing methodologies
  • Finding out how to predict outcomes of therapeutic agents
  • Developing new compounds to duplicate the effects of patented drugs without infringing patented traits
  • Seeking approaches to incorporate compounds into new formulations that were not previously possible
  • Modelling and simulation of chemical modifications
  • Overcoming issues with absorption
  • Developing models to scale up experimental methodologies


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Handling the requirements to access R&D tax relief

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R&D Tax Credits - Qualifying Activities in Software Development

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Boundaries of R&D for R&D Tax Relief Purposes

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Seeking an Advance Through Resolving Scientific or Technological Uncertainty

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Eligibility conditions for claiming R&D tax relief

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Research & Development Tax Relief Eligibility Criteria Explained

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Why work with an R&D tax specialist for your tax credit claim?

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