
Your Claim Criteria

What are R&D tax credits?

Research and Development tax credits generate cash resources for companies via the corporation tax system. Additional cash funds are made available through corporation tax savings, receiving cash payments from HMRC or a combination of both.

Why do R&D tax credits exist?

R&D tax credits are a form of tax relief, the purpose of which is to cultivate scientific and technological brilliance, boosting the UK's competitive advantage and ultimately fueling economic growth.

How to know if your company is eligible for R&D tax credits


Your work will be undertaken within a UK trading company within the scope of UK corporation tax self assessment.


Your company is creating or making changes to products, materials, devices, processes or services.


You will be founding something that doesn't exist, improving what does exist or duplicating something in a different way.

Problem solving

Your company is looking to find solutions to challenges that have not yet been solved by your industry.


Your project explores the application of scientific or technological principles relevant to your industry.

Financial outlay

Your company must have incurred costs to fund the activities assisting with problem solving.

Which R&D tax credit scheme applies?

Figuring out your tax credit scheme depends on lots of different factors.
The size of your organisation (headcount, turnover and gross assets based tests)
The influence of other organisations
The company's accounting period
How your R&D project came about
Financial contributions or payments that might cover your qualifying R&D expenditure

Achieving a robust R&D tax credit claim!

Learn how to put together an R&D tax credit claim that stands up to HMRC scrutiny.
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Speed, deliverables, expertise and great with clients - that's why I like to work with you on this sort of stuff!
Director - Dains
I've worked with Claire for several years now and hope to continue to work with Claire going forwards - I would fully recommend her services without hesitation.
Mat Batchelor
Group Tax Adviser - Games Workshop Plc
Claire was a pleasure to deal with and was adept at being able to understand and interpret the R&D work carried out by our business  and then break it down into terminology and explanations that would be compatible with HMRC’s requirements.”
Jevon Pugh
R&D Director - Belzona Limited
From the very beginning of our collaboration on Cinesite's R&D Tax Credits, working with the Fortus team has been an absolute pleasure and we have been impressed by their competence, attention to detail and professionalism.
Michele Sciolette
Chief Technology Officer - Cinesite VFX Limited


See all

Handling the requirements to access R&D tax relief

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R&D Tax Credits - Qualifying Activities in Software Development

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Boundaries of R&D for R&D Tax Relief Purposes

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Seeking an Advance Through Resolving Scientific or Technological Uncertainty

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Eligibility conditions for claiming R&D tax relief

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Research & Development Tax Relief Eligibility Criteria Explained

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Why work with an R&D tax specialist for your tax credit claim?

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